In seeking hope

In seeking hope

There is little point in marking milestones

There is no ending to this journey

No right direction or right turn

So brave to keep going they say

Little do folk know

Or indeed seek to know

Behind close doors

The deep primeval wail

Of a mother’s loss

Is ever present

The silence as an alternative

Offers little respite

Activity and mindless debates

Turn head away from darkness

Yet heart forever remains broken

Tears that fall with big heavy sobs

Go on and on

Providing tension and release

Like great crashing waves

On the shore

Tide is always turning

Mother love props up surviving

Mostly as what else is there to do?

Constant movement in this spiral of grief

Jolting back to dark days

Throwing out what ifs to the mystery

Desperately with so much love

Seeking some hope

Long shadows

Keep pushing on

Around this spiral

Or sitting still in the centre

Another day without

Another day with

Trees are still here

Doing what they do

In this strange land

This world of grief within

The bigger world of sombre times

Another day to say

Oh no look

Look beyond the dark

There is light beyond the trees

Offering beacon of hope

Way out past this broken heart

It sits in the forest of mystery

Leaves fall

Bringing winter returning

Low light

Long shadows

Give up all answers

Hold onto hope

Mystery remains   

Same view different angle

I didn’t notice

Through my tears

That golden light shifts

Into silver light

Telling of winter’s calling

Pushing between the trees

Yet still no answers to this mystery

Same view with different angle

Tears still fall, less frequent

But heavier as sobs grow louder

Light tells it all

Nothing changes as it all shifts

Around the circle of grief

Sometimes sitting in

Looking out

Other times swirling

Looking in

Whether through the trees

Or a soft winter pansy

Both offer mystery and hope

Update of the new me

Opening a blank page this morning in word to write onto it opens an Identity Verification form. There is irony in this as it is probably the very nature of my identity that is on my mind. What have I become? My external world has changed and my internal me has shifted. Who am I now?

I am and have always been a busy social media user. In these strange times when I spend so much time home alone it has become my doorway to the external world. My busy intellectual brain needs feeding so I avidly read articles and news from there. Up loading a grief picture the other day I read my Twitter blurb about me. I had written this some years ago. I did not recognise this woman I used to be. Joining a whats app group of bereaved Mums recently the Mum adding me did not recognise my picture.

 I often make reference to “old Jude” and “new Jude”. I am considering whether friends are waiting for old Jude to return when in reality she has departed. If I was writing this six months ago, I would consider “Jude” to be broken not to be fixed. I do not think I can be fixed but I am getting more comfortable with being broken, or should I say heartbroken.

Old Jude was professionally accomplished. Smart and articulate, confident at work and in her personal life. I close my eyes to remember her. Strong sense of self, supportive and loving, ploughing on through life’s challenges she was strong. Female, feminine but warrior woman reflected in her dance, sharing her dance in teaching. At work although this had waned still a leader of good practice and clear headed. Able to make decisions, going the extra mile. Generous and supporting to others, caring and sharing. I remember being the instigator of social circles, seeking out strong friendships, making life happen.

Old Jude was always a Mum, caring for her two boys. Working hard to keep them safe. Supported by my own loving Mum bringing up boys with love. Giving confidence and support to big boy and constant on the look out catch not so small boy as he got into his daily scrapes and life challenges. I even wrote a blog about it!  

Life happens around me now. I drift in and mostly out of it. I have a different perspective now. I no longer battle on regardless. There is no motivation to be strong now. My strength now comes from a different place, of spiritual nature, often grown and supported with quiet reflection. Would I say my faith has got stronger? Certainly, I am more connected as a Christian these days. It seems to be the right place to be. If anything, my boy, my not so small boy has given me this as a gift.

I would like to write of secret signs and magical moments. Amongst my trees or quiet moments at home they do sometimes come. Or in books that bring synchronicity to actions and words. I think I have opened my mind, soul and heart up to love, therefore when I fall, I am always held. There are no words for this. I think I have always been seeking in my busy before life. Now by being still light and love finds me. Thinking about it I do have words; my poems and creative activity illustrates this.

I write this calmly today. Today is a I can get on sort of day. I am heart broken but I have days now where I have some sort of acceptance of where I am. Is it acceptance or still disbelief? The realisation is that somehow deep inside I am surviving. I cannot remain in such hard-core sobbing and distress daily. The thing is I have spent all my life as not so small boy’s mother skipping and jumping to keep him safe. The inevitability that going beyond my ego that I had no control over his destiny is now real. He took himself calmly off to God. Stepping away from this cruel world. The surety I hold dear is that he is now safe and loved. He is okay as he reminds me in random ways.

Skipping and jumping has stopped. My big boy needs the constant strength of his Mum and never-ending unconditional love. How ever desperate or low I find myself, no matter what dark corner I retreat to I have to seek light for him. He must not have a life that is over shadowed by his brother. I must continue to love both my boys differently with equal strength and veracity.

I picked up writing again to answer the daily “how are you?” question. I figured that If I could find a way to write the truth about being here as a Mum losing her child to suicide it could be witnessed as opposed to the glib “I am fine, I am okay” answer. I am neither I am just here some days barely surviving, mostly alone. I write of being alone, but feeling held. I walk in spirals of grief which gives sadness and sorrow, but also great beauty and love, always love.

I move now in the new me to quality of relationships rather than the vast quantity I had before. High days friends who celebrated, or those who leant on old Jude hard no longer about, a few good friends remain. They do not try to fix, or past judgement. I will be honest I am mostly alone as so few can possibly walk beside me on this strange spiralling journey, I have found myself okay with being alone.    

    Goodness knows these days whether that huge circle of friends who attended wedding celebrations and memorial and funeral check into read. I guess many do not want to face the stark reality of grief. I look at pictures of our wedding and think how few people have bothered an attempt at staying in touch. Life carries on around about me, I am upset and hurt. It does not make me feel better that folk do not know what to say, or Covid world has held folk back.

I quietly buried my son’s ashes. Few ask me how or when. I weep alone at his grave collecting leaves to make a place of beauty, collecting pebbles we would have done together. The other week I visited and there was single rose. It touched my heart so deep. I do not mind being alone as I sneak a short time to quietly stop and be near my boy. It just feels sometimes like only I remember him. In the sunshine last week, I potted bulbs in pots to bring in spring. I am perhaps the one with the time as well as love.  

Others offering excuses for not supporting or just being makes me weary. I do not have the energy to make people feel better. I go days and days now without old friends checking in. Returning to their busy lives they would say they think of me often but not enough to call or make any effort to keep in touch except for a like or heart on my Facebook wall. I do not have the energy to reach out. I am thinking was it always me that put the energy into so many friendships? I guess so as most folk have just drifted away. New Jude just cannot get back on top of keeping in touch or making an effort.

I am working hard at letting go of this hurt on top of my grief. Time to move on, feel sad but let these friends go with grace. There is little comfort in feeling bitter or hurt.   In this new space I occupy in spite of Covid land I am slowly making new relationships, and keeping a few true consistent friends. I have so little energy to invest in others on daily trivia. Better to focus on building strong relationships that fit with who I have become.

I must note that I have gratitude and love from my lovely man who seems to accept this new person evolving. I suppose my values and core self remains. This is who he truly loves not the external stuff. We shift our goals and aspirations together. Lock down and not working for six months gave us time and energy for each other and our home life. We were able to catch breath after the distressing and exhausting year we have had. Playing guitar, painting and sitting in the garden with wine are sweet memories I shall hold for this year that have given healing. Time to listen to each other.

As we move forward our goals have shifted. I realise that with his support I still have purpose. He has got me up in the mornings, fed me coffee and toast and pushed me towards the light when I would comfortably sit in the darkness. We have a future and are finding a new path with shifted hopes and aspirations, but this is okay, even good.

My days in grieving solitude have a pattern now. Of prayers, writing and drawing and painting. I try through creativity to express how I feel. I paint pictures of women with too much mother love. Tears and sorrow are illustrated, but also beauty in stillness of grief. Illustrated by summer flowers and autumnal light and colour, grieving Mum gently moves from tears to quiet sorrow. I have a huge pile of sketchbooks and paintings all illustrating this past year. I am unsure if their purpose is ultimately in the produced outcome but in the quiet gentleness of doing. Drawing makes me stop, look and breath in nature’s beauty giving a moments respite. Painting pictures gives me an activity of purpose, as does daily poem writing. All of this empties my bucket of too full of emotion.

I have always thought too much. My mind does not stop, even in grief. Now I have nowhere to hide as I am alone now as a mother with too much mother love. So, this finds me here writing. Compelled to seek witness to my sense of being, this new me I have become.

I revised my new twitter blurb. I am now bereaved mother first and foremost who does creative things.                


Light hit eyes brightly

As deep prayers produce hearts

Surrounded with rainbows brightly

Pull back to the land of grief

Trees talk of winter

Walks of time to come

Helpful hope to offer opportunities

As light returns brightly

Offering warmth and comfort

To coldness of future journeys

Reminding that even in the darkest of times

There is light if looking in the right places

Accept the dark hour

Sit with the tears

Light candles in dark corners

Hold close and hug memories

Let go of make-believe opportunities  

Cast off should have and could have

Offer up the boastful ego

Moving to aspirational gratitude

Gently spiralling to the light of now

Eyes closed breathing deeply

Here now is mercy and love   

Tell me what you want to do

Tell me what you want to do

Computer asks the question

Like there is an answer

A list of actions to follow

All in a straight line

Grief dictates the doing

One day darkness

Only pools of tears

Cries of sorrow

Another bobbing along

In the sea of tears

Following the light

Or sometimes still

Like today

Watching leaves fall from trees

The season has spiraled here

Returning with days of golden light

Or sad still sorrowful

Knowing that the rain

And dark days return

Breathe deeply

This spiral is long

Seek light in dark places

Hold broken heart tightly

Held up with Hope and Mystery    

Quick paced

I write with speed  

Not pausing with space to make tears fall

Danced and opening heart to music

There is light here

Beyond the trees

In a place I am not able to go

Mercy grace and love

Given in a note, a word, a step

I am holding onto a new day

Quick paced

Cannot face being still

As that could bring me to dark corners

I am already stepping in puddles of tears

Quick moving I need this light

All things will pass

Words given today

Gift wrapped with love, care and attention   

Seeking light in all the wrong places

Seeking light

In all the wrong places

Walking away or hiding

This spiral always returns to truth

Broken hearted or despair

Sorrow heaving

Eyes laden with tears

That flow like large rain drops

Releasing and offering testament

Of truth

No turning away

No distractions

Words are given with meaning

In whatever book of love

Somewhere out there

Beyond trees

The gentle breath of the day

There is a different destiny

That will bring love and grace

For now, held

Breathing deeply

Leaning into grief

Hold it feel it

Embrace this despair

Let go with wails

Of mother loss

Remember though

Hope and mystery      

There is no name

If you are not here

Then who am I?

What have I become?

This mother with too much mother love

Scurrying in her grief spiral

Running from shame

As the mother who did not get it right

Have I become the woman with no name?

Invisible, indescribable

There is no name for this

But this loss so heavy so tragic

Another lost mother

Said there is no name for this

Others have a title

Acknowledged for grief in the right order

I have no name

No label or badge

Could ease the pain

But a description, a name

Would acknowledge this existence

Of this topsy turvy world

With grey skies touching trees

As they sway to the hope of the blue

As birds move silently across this new landscape

To name my broken heart and me, full of loss

That seeks in places not thought of before

With meaning on feathers, pebbles, leaves

A moment of beauty in a petal, a blade a colour

Placed in pockets or displays  

Breath of life in the wind or gentle rain

This all has description

Bringing us into indescribable love

That loops and winds and spirals

Never ending

Where is the name the fancy word for this?

Seeking and stillness

Crying and quiet

Hands on lap

Reaching out

Holding tight letting go

Mother with too much mother love

Too many words  

Grace woman

Grace mother

Of love unknown

Keeping busy

To avoid the silence

Turning away

Provides help for a moment

But in this spiral

The gentle curves

Back again

Revealing the gaps in the trees

No seeing beyond

Only that time does not stand still

Nature is pacing forwards

To bring winter’s fading light

Deep breath and mindful moment

Brings pause to spiral of grief

Looking at sorrow and beyond

There is beauty

As love remains constant

In today’s soft light

After activity

Stillness brings grace

Reminding that beyond the trees

There is always welcome light

Shining bright with a force unknown

This great mystery

Fuelled by broken hearts

Of love unknown